Sunday, 27 April 2014

Just a brotherly reply to Ravinder Singh

I truly felt sorry when seeing my fellow Malaysians become the victims of their own gullibility. And I truly hope that in the case of Ravinder Singh, he is not suffering from a permanent one. I am referring to his piece yesterday which seemed to be written in response to a news report.
It is hoped that by now you (Ravinder) have discovered that the news report was actually referring to the article that originally appeared here (

If you have read the original article and comprehended it (it was in Malay by the way), I am sure you could be on the same page with me in that the whole purpose and intent of the article was addressed to Muslims.

It was meant to correct, based on the verses of Al Quran, two unfortunate statements made by two young men. The correction was necessary to avoid their misguided understanding on the subject from spreading further among us Muslims.

If you have to know more, it is normal for Muslims to remind each other to return to the Al Quran and the deeds of the Prophet especially when a misunderstanding is prevailing within the public.

It was just a reminding message from one concerned Muslim to another. So you may want to rethink your statement on who was actually minding other people’s business or ‘menjaga tepi kain orang’ in this case.

It was not ISMA’s responsibility if the context of the original article was thrown out the window, the focus of the message was shifted at will, and a juicy byline was deployed by the news providers. Thus, you may want to consider saving your rage (and your list of questions) over something else more worthwhile.

Speaking of the news providers, we all know that the people in this industry make a living through ads placement (some through not so secretive foreign funds, but that is a story for another time). They are neck and neck in the competition for revenue, so spinning stories become the means for some providers to increase their readership which in turn, will bring more income.

While we may be powerless to determine how the media people would choreograph a particular story to generate a desired public reaction, it is completely within our control to determine how we respond to it.
The news may be so packaged to rile some group of people up against another, for reasons only Allah knows. Some readers bite the bait while some don’t. Some double-checked the sources while some chose to skip dinner and start typing in rage.

It is like when you read Utusan-lah, Ravinder. If you can put some kind of a brain filter when reading through it, why can’t you put the same filter on when reading from these online providers? Is it because they have more news that soothe your political inclination that makes you decide to relax your intellectual judgment?
It is ironic that in this age of fast and free information, we are now slowed down by the needs to verify the materials, especially the sensational ones, which reach our screen.

Users really need to be extra wise so as not to be the victims of misinformation and misperception that is willed upon us through such substandard journalism. We just cannot afford to allow ourselves to be so credulous nowadays.

Returning to the subject of your grouses, you are correct that it is not Isma’s business whether a non-Muslim goes to hell or not. We never said it is ours, too. The second line of the original article stressed very clearly on whose authority it lies with.

Also, we never asked people to disrespect a dead person either (you can gather this from the original title if you understand it properly). The article only asked the Muslims not to overdo with their respect of the deceased to the point of violating the Islamic principles.

We just made it our business to provide reminders to our Muslim brothers and sisters on what the Al Quran says, and how the Prophet did, with regards to our actions as well as the happenings in this beloved country of ours. It is a necessity for all Muslims to recognize that we can say and do all things as long as it does not transgress the boundaries set by Allah and the Prophet.

It may sound unfair to you when you go through and study some of the words of Allah in the Al Quran. But fairness is what you will find in the Al Quran, through the glad tidings and the warnings to the mankind, through the promises of rewards as well as the threats of punishment.

And just so you know, none of us, the Isma members, can even guarantee ourselves that we will go straight to heaven when we die, although we are Muslims. However this never discourages us, in fact it gives us motivation to keep striving to be better Muslims.

Then again, to be fair to you, would you accept our hand and allow us to guide you to Islam and discover that Allah is indeed All Merciful, All Just and All Forgiving?

Umar Hakim Mohd Tajuddin
ISMA Activist

7 thoughts on “Just a brotherly reply to Ravinder Singh”

  1. Rashidah Mohammad
    Alhamdulillah. I’m so relieved n happy for this very wise and well written answer. Thank you.
  2. Syabas, umar Hakim mohd tajuddin well said as a truly intellectual Muslim scholar. This is the right way of dakwah to non Muslim, we shouldn’t indulge with confrontation with non muslim such as revinder singh but approach with an open heart, maybe someday he will realise the folly of his action and join our islamic faith.
  3. Hjh Salmah Kassim
    Alhamdulillah..very well explained and indeed reflect the real intellectual Muslim. May Allah continues to guide us to better explain Islam to the non Muslims. Be proud of yourself Umar for I indeed you’ve shown who true Muslims are….alhamdulillah.
  4. Very well written reply my fellow brother, Umar Hakim. Its people like you who can reply with a thought process and not be swayed by emotions. I hope there more people from all races and religion who can have a thought process like yours and be able to have a healthy debate and discussions instead of hurling abuses on each other’s religions. May GOD watch over you and your family. All the best.
  5. Congratulations Mr Tajuddin for your well mannered intellectual response to Mr Ravinder Singh. This is an exemplary way that others especially in authority or influence, should emulate.

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